About Us

Our Story

Construction is the Tool, Change is the Result.

Tyson and Andrew recognized that poorly built and failing infrastructure was a recurring problem in developing countries. This issue resulted in an inefficient use of time, energy, and resources for members of the community that are seeking to make lasting, positive change.

Brody International solves these problems by building things that puts communities in a position to prosper.

Helping Leaders

By providing groups of people with buildings that will stand the test of time, leaders in the community can focus their resources on improving and sustaining the well-being of everyone around them.

Building Infrastructure
Supporting Outreach
Elevating Communities

Our Projects

What We've Been Up To

Brody International has impacted people around the globe including Sierra Leone, Chile, Mexico, and Indonesia. Read below about our current projects and how we are seeking to build others up.


During the past forty years, Iberoamerican Ministries has been actively involved in planting churches in South America. This work has been very effective and over

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Help Us Build A Better Tomorrow

Brody International is a non-profit organization that uses their gift of construction to serve communities in need. Founded by Tyson Steward and Andrew Klein, Brody International combines an expertise in construction and project management with a love for serving others.